Useful Forms For Your Group

In here you should find all the forms you need for your scout group

In here you should find all the forms you need for your scout group

Young Person Infomation Form

This is a template for a new starter form that you may wish for when a new young person under 18 joins your group. Remember to follow our data retention policy and GDPR when collecting personal information.

Adult Infomation Form

This is a template for a new starter form you may wish for when a new adult over 18 joins your group. Remember to follow our data retention policy and GDPR when collecting personal information.

Nights Away Medical Form

A “Nights Away Medical Form” for Scouts typically gathers essential health and emergency contact information to ensure the safety and well-being of participants during overnight activities.

The Nights Away Notification (NAN)

The Nights Away Notification (NAN) form needs to be filled out as soon as possible (at least 7 days) in advance of your nights away event and sent to your DC, together with the risk assessment for the event.

Activity Information Form

This form is a great template to give to parents/carers to share information and obtain their permission for activities, outings and nights away.